The Australian agriculture industry accounts for 58% of the land use throughout states and territories. Agriculture is one of Australia’s great success stories, with a long-term contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment, export and wellbeing of the rural population. In 2018-2019, the agricultural sector employed 2.6% of the Australian workforce and contributed 2.2% of the value-added to the GDP. The horticulture sub-sector accounted for 44% of agriculture contribution to the GDP, while the livestock sub-industry contributed 48% in 2018-2019.
The Australian agriculture industry exports around 70% of agriculture output overseas, demonstrating a high proportion compared to other countries.
For instance, 98% of wool and cotton, 71% of wheat, 76% of beef, 41% of dairy, and 18% of horticultural products were exported between 2013-2017. Australia’s agricultural industry has a stable market as the global agricultural demand is growing, reflecting rising per capita incomes and population growth. However, export competition is also increasing. To sustain this, the industry has to stay current in terms of technological innovations and develop its workforce to keep up with the accelerating agritech changes and competition on the global market.
Agriculture is closely connected with the rest of the economy and lays a strong foundation for growth in the other industries. This means a sustained development in the agriculture sector presents an ideal pathway to increase production and productivity in the remaining sectors of the economy.
Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, 2020
Agriculture remains an integral part of the Northern Territory’s economy. The sector is highly dependent on a well-qualified, reliable, skilled, and experienced workforce. For the past decade (2009-2019), the agriculture industry in the Territory has contributed an average of 2.9% to the Gross State Product (GSP) and has provided direct employment to 1.6% of the NT’s total workforce.
While the industry continuously plays a significant role in the NT’s economy, ongoing changes such as farm consolidation, innovation, and technology adoption have affected the skills and training needs of the workforce. These changes have increased the demand for a skilled workforce with advanced managerial and digital skills to cope with the fast-moving and complex environment surrounded by new risks.
Higher demand for agricultural products both locally and internationally has also spiked the use of seasonal workers. However, increased youth migration from regional areas to urban centres, ageing agriculture workforce and technological acceleration in the NT have exacerbated recruitment challenges, retention difficulties, workforce and skill shortages. These difficulties often force the industry to rely on contract and seasonal workers, which are more financially straining on businesses. This also leaves less room for workers with minimal experience to gain industry-specific skills and experience. The trend of using contractual workers may leave long-term effects on the industry’s ability to gather sufficient experienced workers in the future. Currently, available job opportunities in the NT outstrip the workforce supply, and projections show severe workforce challenges in the future, especially if the current workforce development obstacles are not addressed.
Besides the previously mentioned points, little attention has been given to the documentation of NT specific workforce data, and in cases where the data exists, it is often merged with other Australian states. This Insight presents an overview of the agriculture industry and highlights significant workforce challenges across the Northern Territory. The agriculture industry, for the purpose of this Insight, includes horticulture, mixed farming, and livestock sub-sectors. It excludes aquaculture and forestry.
The Northern Territory is a significant producer of various agriculture products including horticulture and livestock. The rearing of animals and the growing of crops covers approximately 41% of the total land area of the NT. While commercial production of crops and livestock occur across the Territory’s regions, variations exist in terms of the agriculture products farmed and the production outputs in the different NT regions. The major agriculture products produced include buffalo, cattle, crocodile, mango, melon, citrus, grape, tropical fruit, broadacre crops, vegetables, and herbs. The NT’s agriculture industry has enormous potential to expand and increase productivity when, for example, an adequate workforce equipped with relevant training and skills becomes available.
The size of the agriculture industry in the NT is relatively smaller compared to other Australian states in terms of workforce size, with the exception of Australia Capital Territory. The NT’s sector accounts for less than 1% of the number of agricultural businesses in Australia. Agricultural businesses in the Territory are mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, mostly concentrated in the remote and very remote regions of Darwin and Katherine. The industry also comprises of 66% of non-employing businesses (family-owned businesses). Nevertheless, the industry contributed 1.3% of Australia’s agricultural total value of commodities in 2018/2019, demonstrating the Territory’s great potential.
The NT’s agriculture industry has a high proportion of businesses operating for more than 31 years, with most businesses reporting an annual turnover under 2 million dollars. The cattle sub-sector is the highest contributor to agriculture production value in the NT. The agriculture industry’s value-added to the Gross State Product (GSP) has experienced a decline due to the decrease in production values of major products such as live cattle, cereal crops, hay/fodder and mango. The fall in the agriculture sector’s contribution to the NT’s economy may be attributed to farmers’ growing struggle against pests and diseases since 2014. The following captures the agriculture business’ size by employment, turnover, the trends in gross state product and production value in the NT.
Northern Territory Plant Industries Workforce Development Plan 2020-2025
It is challenging to obtain workforce specific information for the Northern Territory's (NT) agriculture industry. This is because the NT is often excluded from or merged with other states in national workforce studies. This issue coupled with rising workforce challenges such as workforce shortages, attraction and retention problems across the agriculture industry provided the basis for Industry Skills Advisory Council Northern Territory (ISACNT) to undertake an in-depth study of the industry. ISACNT initiated contact with 197 stakeholders in the NT's agriculture industry over the phone. Of the 197 stakeholders, 140 stakeholders were successfully contacted and invited to participate in the workforce study. ISACNT conducted 61 in-depth interviews with NT industry stakeholders and had 2 interviews with interstate stakeholders operating in the NT. Furthermore, ISACNT had in-depth engagements with 2 NT industry peak bodies. The stakeholder response rate from the study was approximately 45%.
Regional response rates
The agriculture sector in the Northern Territory like elsewhere in Australia is rapidly changing in terms of workforce characteristics, training needs and skill requirements. The industry has some unique features in comparison to other sectors. For example, the industry has a lower number of post-school qualification holders, an ageing workforce, relatively low employee wages and a high proportion of casual/seasonal workers. The industry is also male-dominated and relies on skilled migrants to sustain the growth of the sector. The sector is characterised by the high proportion of non-employing businesses (family-owned), seasonal work, and its physically demanding nature. However, the Territory’s agriculture industry also has excellent opportunities for workers willing to build and enhance skills and experience across different environmental, climatic conditions, and farm/station sizes.
The World Bank, 2020
Horticulture businesses often experience difficulties attracting seasonal workers, especially during the harvest season. ISACNT’s stakeholder engagement uncovered a few horticulture businesses working around this issue by growing a mixture of crops with varying maturity periods at different times of the year. This ensured the farms were able to retain a large skeleton crew all year-round. The approach made sure the agricultural businesses kept experienced staff for many years. As a result, agricultural businesses utilising this workforce initiative has significantly reduced staff turnovers, recruitment and retention difficulties.
Cattle businesses in the NT also experience difficulties attracting experienced workers every year during mustering season. ISACNT’s stakeholder engagement, likewise, discovered that few businesses were adapting flexible workforce strategies to manage this regular problem. Some businesses have adopted a mixed farming approach producing crops during low seasons for farm use only. Other farms utilised non-agricultural related skills, such as workers with trade skills to assist in property maintenance during low periods. Both approaches ensured a manageable workload for a much larger skeleton crew all year-round, which meant the experienced staff stayed for multiple years at the same location. On the other hand, other cattle businesses kept a minimal skeleton crew year-round and then utilised contract mustering teams to assist during the peak season. Many businesses felt this approach was more financially viable and safer, as contract mustering teams are experienced and exhibit high-quality skills to undertake station activities.
ISACNT Agriculture Stakeholder Engagement Survey, 2020
The agriculture sector plays a vital role in the development of the Northern Territory’s economy in terms of food production, employment, and gross state product. Improving and sustaining the sector’s contribution requires an experienced, qualified, skilled, and reliable workforce. However, findings from ISACNT’s engagement with agriculture stakeholders demonstrated acute workforce shortages, recruitment, and retention difficulties across all regions. During the peak season, such as harvesting for horticulture and mustering for the cattle sub-sectors, these issues were more pronounced.
ISACNT’s findings showed that agriculture businesses often encounter difficulties attracting and retaining experienced workers. This is because experienced staff members often come with family members, compelling the farm/station to accommodate multiple people, which can present challenges for many employers. This issue often results in businesses being unable to hire experienced staff as they cannot accommodate larger family units, affecting business productivity.
Some stakeholders ISACNT engaged with indicated intensified workforce challenges in the future because of the rising demand for agriculture products, technological advancement, and upcoming major agriculture project investments (e.g., Western Davenport Development Project, Wildman Agriculture Precinct, Larrimah Agriculture Precinct, and Keep Plains Agriculture Development). In addition, unforeseen circumstances such as droughts, pandemic outbreaks and the associated impacts, may also exacerbate agricultural workforce challenges and impede the sector’s development.
Based on the results of ISACNT’s stakeholder engagements, the following occupations were found to be in demand:
The agriculture sector employs industry-relevant occupations such as farm workers, agriculture scientists, agronomists and agricultural and horticultural mobile plant operators. Besides these occupations, the sector also employs other equally important non-agricultural related occupations such as cooks, mechanics and accountants. Another essential occupation, but with limited public recognition, is the governesses job role.
The governess is employed to provide care and educate children of agricultural workers in private homes. Their role is similar to educators or teachers in childcare centres and primary schools. The governess accesses the school of the air and uses the curriculum to teach children on remote stations/farms. The governess most often teaches children at their home until they commence middle school, where they have to attend boarding school.
The job requirements for governesses in Australia includes having a working with children check, also known as Ochre Card in the Northern Territory and a first-aid certificate. There are currently no formal qualifications required to be a governess. However, a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care is highly desirable and recommended to ensure quality education is delivered to children in remote parts of the country.
Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, 2020
The major issues impacting the agriculture industry have direct effects on the workforce development. To improve the workforce development, farmers and peak bodies in consensus, indicated that this is crucial for the sector’s growth. A reliable and experienced workforce equipped with the right skills that reflect both the agriculture industry’s current and future needs is required. Specific training equipping the workforce to manage the industry’s major issues better will ensure a more resilient industry. ISACNT’s engagement with stakeholders within the agriculture industry showed that the sector has enormous potential to increase its export and value-added to the Gross State Product (GSP) in the future. This is because there is potential arable land space within the Territory which have yet to be developed for agricultural use. The findings unravelled four critical factors that are currently impeding agricultural production and workforce development.
Ernst and Young, 2019
For the past decade, the NT’s agriculture industry has undergone rapid changes in relation to technological development, the products produced, and the products exported to national and international markets. This has resulted in changes in the top generic and top priority skills needed to sustain the agriculture industry. ISACNT found that in addition to generic and priority skills, other skills such as driving motorbikes, trucks, and tractors together with having experience of handling horses and other livestock were highly prioritised within the industry.
For the past decade, the NT’s agriculture industry has undergone rapid changes in relation to technological development, the products produced, and the products exported to national and international markets. This has resulted in changes in the top generic and top priority skills needed to sustain the agriculture industry. ISACNT found that in addition to generic and priority skills, other skills such as driving motorbikes, trucks, and tractors together with having experience of handling horses and other livestock were highly prioritised within the industry.
Ernst and Young, 2019
Beef Cattle Farm Workers (ANZSCO # 841511) perform routine tasks on a beef cattle farm such as feeding, mustering, and moving cattle and assisting with animal husbandry.
Mixed livestock farm workers (ANZSCO # 841513) perform routine tasks on a mixed livestock farm such as moving, feeding, and counting livestock, and assisting with animal husbandry.
Fruit or nut farm workers (ANZSCO # 841211) perform routine tasks on a fruit or nut farm such as cultivating and fertilising the soil and planting, irrigating, and pruning crops. They sometimes spray chemicals on crops to treat disease and pests.
Fruit or nut pickers (ANZSCO # 841212) harvest fruit and nuts and prepares produce for distribution.
Grain, oilseed or pasture farm workers (ANZSCO # 841213) perform routine tasks on grain, oilseed protein, or pasture farm such as cultivating and fertilising the soil and planting and irrigating crops. Some may spray chemicals on crops to treat disease and pests.
Vegetable farm workers (ANZSCO # 841214) perform routine tasks on a vegetable farm or market garden such as cultivating and fertilising the soil and planting and irrigating crops. Some may spray chemicals on crops to treat disease and pests.
Vegetable pickers (ANZSCO # 841215) harvest vegetables and prepares produce for distribution.
Skill Level: 5
Skills Sets
Organisation and coordination, Problem-solving, Active learning and listening, Machine maintenance and repairing, Operation control and monitoring, Time management skills, Critical thinking.
Certificate II in Agriculture
Certificate III in Agriculture
Certificate IV in Agribusiness
Nursery persons (ANZSCO # 362411) propagate and cultivate trees, shrubs, and ornamental and flowering plants in plant nurseries.
Skill Level: 3
Skills Sets
Organisation and coordination, Time management, Active learning and listening, Critical thinking, Problem-solving, Operation control and monitoring skills.
Certificate III in Production/Retail Nursery
Certificate III in Commercial Seed Processing
Certificate IV in Production Horticulture
Diploma of Production Nursery Management
Agricultural and horticultural mobile plant operators (ANZSCO # 721111) operate agricultural and horticultural plant to clear and cultivate the land, sow, and harvest crops.
Skill Level: 5
Skills Sets
Operation control and monitoring, Personnel Management, Problem-solving, Time management, Machine maintenance and repairing, Active learning and listening skills.
Crop farmers (ANZSCO Unit Group 1212) plan, organise, control, coordinate and perform farming operations to grow crops.
Livestock farmers (ANZSCO Unit Group 1213) plan, organise, control, coordinate and perform farming operations to breed and raise livestock.
Mixed crop and livestock farmers (ANZSCO Unit Group 1214) plan, organise, control, coordinate and perform farming operations to both grow crops and to breed and raise livestock.
Skill Level: 1
Skills Sets
Problem-solving, Personnel Management, Critical thinking, Negotiation and persuasion, Judgement and decision-making, Operation control and monitoring, Literacy and numeracy, System analysis and evaluation skills, Time management.
Certificate II in Agriculture
Certificate III in Agriculture
Certificate IV in Agribusiness
Agricultural technicians (ANZSCO # 311111) perform tests and experiments and provide technical support to assist Agricultural Scientists in areas such as research, production, servicing, and marketing.
Skill Level: 2
Skills Sets
Critical thinking, Judgement & decision-making, Problem-solving, Negotiation and persuasion, Literacy and numeracy, Engineering/Technological skills, Active learning & listening, Time management.
Agricultural scientists/Agronomists (ANZSCO # 234112) study commercial plants, animals, and cultivation techniques to enhance the productivity of farms and agricultural industries.
Skill Level: 1
Skills Sets
Literacy and numeracy, Critical thinking, Problem-solving, Active learning and listening, Judgement and decision-making, System analysis and evaluation, Time management, Organisation and coordination, Engineering/Technological skills.
Cooks (ANZSCO # 351411) prepare, season and cook food in dining and catering establishments.
Skill Level: 3
Skills Sets
Coordination with others, Monitoring, Critical thinking, Active listening and learning, Time management, Operations control and monitoring, Judgement and decision making, Serving others, Quality control analysis skills.
Electricians (ANZSCO # 341111) installs, tests, connects, commissions, maintains, and modifies electrical equipment, wiring and control systems. Registration or licensing is required.
Skill Level: 3
Skills Sets
Troubleshooting, Installation, Critical thinking, Repairing, Coordination with others, Equipment Maintenance, Judgement and decision making, Operation control, Equipment selection, Active listening and learning skills.
Truck drivers (ANZSCO # 733111) drive heavy trucks, removal vans, tankers and tow trucks to transport bulky goods and liquids. Registration or licensing is required.
Skill Level: 4
Skills Sets
Operations control and monitoring, Equipment Maintenance, Troubleshooting, Repairing, Time management, Coordination with others, Judgement and decision making, Critical thinking skills.
Metal fabricators (ANZSCO # 322311) inspects, cut, shape, join and repair metal components of iron and steel structures, boilers, pressure vessels and pipes, ships and other vessels. Registration or licensing is required.
Skill Level: 3
Skills Sets
Operations control and monitoring, Equipment Maintenance, Troubleshooting, Repairing, Time management, Coordination with others, Judgement and decision making, Critical thinking skills.
Diesel motor mechanics (ANZSCO # 321212) repairs maintain and test motor vehicle and other internal combustion engines and related mechanical components.
Skill Level: 3
Skills Sets
Repairing, Troubleshooting, Critical Thinking, Equipment Maintenance, Quality Control Analysis, Operation control and monitoring, Active learning and listening, Equipment Selection, Coordination with others, System evaluation skills.
Accountants (ANZSCO # 221111) plan and provide accounting systems and services relating to taxation and the financial dealings of organisations and individuals and advise on associated record-keeping and compliance requirements.
Skill Level: 1
Skills Sets
Mathematics, System analysis and evaluation, Active learning and listening, Negotiation, Time management, Judgement and decision making, Coordination with others, Critical thinking skills.,-foresty-and-fishing,-foresty-and-fishing