Now is the time to address gaps in the Northern Territory's workforce and find solutions for the future.
We offer a wide range of services to meet every type of need.
Our purpose is to increase industry skills capacity and capability across the Northern Territory. We do this through:
To thrive in the post-pandemic world, we need to think differently about skills and how we couple them with new technologies and utilise available resources to transform our local workforce. More than ever, the Northern Territory needs an innovative, capable, and skilled workforce to meet industry demands.
ISACNT is committed to supporting workforce development initiatives across the Northern Territory through research, strategic thinking, industry engagement, and consultation. Our Workforce and Skills Officer's are keen to work with your industry to find solutions to your workforce needs.
ISACNT can help with:
Apprenticeships and traineeships are a great way to build your own skilled workforce.
Contact the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network to find out more.
Find out how we help businesses connect to a skilled workforce.
Finding the right skills in the right place at the right time is a challenge.
Each year, Industry Skills Advisory Council NT (ISACNT) consult with NT business and peak industry bodies to better understand their challenges in attracting, retaining, and upskilling workers.
Based off this research, ISACNT provides recommendations to the NT Government to inform the NT Skilled Occupation Priority List (NTSOPL).
ISACNT’s recommendations can influence the allocation of NT Government funds for skilling and workforce development initiatives such as school-based pathways, apprenticeships and traineeships, attraction and relocation assistance programs, migration matters and increasing focus on emerging skill needs.
You can contribute in the development of the 2026 NTSOPL by completing our online survey.
ISACNT workforce and skills officers facilitate key engagement activities to support the national training product development, with the goal of providing an NT perspective to these training packages.
Sharing the voice of industry and key stakeholders where projects impact on the development of an NT skilled workforce.
To learn more about any training package development, please visit your industry on the ISACNT home page.
ISACNT works with schools, career advisors, students, and industry to determine the skills needed to secure a future NT workforce. Sharing knowledge of industry and career pathways to inspire the Northern Territory's future workforce.
Find out how we help businesses connect to a skilled workforce.
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