Transport, Manufacturing, Logistics

ISACNT provides advice and gathers intelligence on workforce development, training package development, skill shortages, and workforce solutions in the Northern Territory.

Supporting Workforce Development and Industry Capability

Identifying jobs in demand

Finding the right skills in the right place at the right time is a challenge.

Each year, Industry Skills Advisory Council NT (ISACNT) consult with NT businesses and peak industry associations to better understand their challenges in attracting, retaining, and upskilling workers.

The intelligence gathered from industry, provides ISACNT with the recommendations for the Northern Territory Government to help inform the annual NT Skilled Occupation Priority List (NT SOPL), and influence government policy and funding decisions that best supports industry.

You can contribute to the development of the 2025 NTSOPL by completing our online  survey.

Industry snapshots present data highlighting the socio-economic contributions of the different industries, employment opportunities, and workforce development challenges across the regions in the Northern Territory.


Industry Snapshot of Transport, Postal and Warehousing snapshot 

Industry insights are a great way of gaining a clear understanding of the industry workforce, occupations and career pathways.

Apprenticeships NT

If you are looking to put on an apprentice and/or trainee, get in contact with

Jobs and Skills Council

Manufacturing Industry Skills Alliance (Manufacturing Alliance) is entrusted by the federal government to drive the advancement of education and workforce development in the manufacturing industry.

Industry Skills Australia (ISA) has been appointed by Government to establish the Jobs and Skills Council for the Transport and Logistics industry sectors.



Vocational Education Training Qualifications:

Industry:  Manufacturing

Book your appointment by contacting your Workforce and Skills officer today.

Yaam Thapa

Workforce and Skill Manager

0499 494 912

Amealia Schneider

Workforce and Skill Officer

Public safety and government

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