Bulletin #20: AISC Update August 2022 Meeting

September 2, 2022

Summary of Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) August Meeting.

The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) held its 47th meeting on 17 August 2022.

The AISC continues to be responsible for national training package product development under the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector.

The Committee continues considered new case for endorsement for Skills to Skills Ministers.

As 2022 progresses, the Committee continues to play a vital role in supporting Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) to ensure continuity and stability of the VET system during the transition to the new arrangements.

VET Reform update:


The Committee received an overview of the Government’s election commitments for the skills sector that included the establishment of Jobs and Skills Australia, commitments to TAFE, New Energy Apprenticeships, and the New Energy Skills Program.

Project Policy Issues related to Training Packages:


Agriculture and Production Horticulture Training Product Development Projects.

The Committee welcomed Mr Geoff Harvey, Chair of the Agriculture and Production Horticulture Industry Reference Committee (IRC), who provided an update on progress with the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package review. Members noted the IRC is making good progress and this work will substantially modernise the training package by focussing on the jobs needed by industry.

Members will consider the completed project at its November 2022 meeting.

Update on Gas Training Product Development Projects.

The Committee welcomed Mr Michael Broomhead, Chair of the Gas IRC, who provided an update on progress of the current review of the UEG Gas Training Package. The Committee noted growing demand for new workers in the industry and that an increased number of trainers and training providers are needed, particularly with the increased demand in job roles requiring hydrogen related skills. The current review will result in significant updates across the training package.

Members will consider this high priority project at their October 2022 meeting.

Silica Safety Awareness Project.

The Committee noted Skills Ministers endorsed updates to three of four units for the CPC Construction Plumbing and Services Training Package – Silica Safety Awareness Project approved by the Committee at its 12 April 2022 meeting. The remaining unit CPCSIL1001 Prepare to work safely with products and materials containing crystalline silica) was not endorsed, with Skills Ministers citing safety concerns in complying with the unit’s assessment conditions.


Cases for Endorsement:


MSF Furnishing Training Package – Cabinet Making and Pathways

Approved the training product for endorsement on the condition the IRC and SSO develop a communication strategy in partnership with the Queensland State Training Authority regarding use of the merged Cabinet Making and Timber Technology qualification.

  • 8 updated qualifications
  • 3 merged qualifications
  • 1 deleted qualification
  • 113 updated units of competency
  • 1 new unit of competency
  • 7 merged units of competency
  • 50 deleted units of competency

TLI Transport and Logistics Training Package

Approved the training products for endorsement on the condition the updated unit of competency TLILIC0040 Licence to operate a non-slewing mobile crane (greater than 3 tonnes capacity) is deemed non-equivalent to the superseded unit.

  • 5 updated qualifications
  • 21 updated units of competency
  • 2 deleted units of competency


AVI Aviation Training Package

Approved the training products for endorsement.

Project A: Chief Remote Pilot

  • 1 new qualification
  • 4 new units of competency

Project B: Air Traffic Control

  • 1 updated qualification
  • 9 updated units of competency

Project C: Commercial Pilot – Helicopter

  • 1 updated qualification
  • 10 updated units of competency

Project D: Aviation Supervision

  • 1 updated qualification
  •  6 new units of competency


CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

Approved the training products for endorsement.

Project A: Virtual and Hybrid Events and Creative Products

  • 3 new units of competency
  • 1 new skill set

Project B: Working with Confronting Materials

  • 1 new unit of competency


DEF Defence Training Package

Approved the training products for endorsement.

Project A: Electronic Digital Forensics

  • 2 updated qualifications
  • 10 updated units of competency

Project B: Paralegal Services

  • 2 updated qualifications
  • 14 updated units of competency

Project C: Test and Evaluation

  • 4 updated qualifications
  • 7 updated units of competency

Project D: Work Diving

  • 16 updated units of competency

Project C: Ranger Control

  • 1 updated qualification
  • 6 updated units of competency
  • 1 updated skill set

Project D: Moral Injury

  • 1 new skill set
  • 3 new units of competency


FWP Forest and Wood Products Training Package

Approved the training products for endorsement.

Part 1 – Sawmilling and Timber Processing

  • 4 updated qualifications
  • 37 updated units of competency
  • 8 new units of competency
  • 3 deleted units of competency
  • 9 new skill sets
  • 4 deleted skill sets

Part 2 – Responding and Assisting in Bushfires

  • 2 updated qualifications
  • 4 updated units of competency
  • 2 new units of competency

RII Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package – Autonomous Operations

Approved the training products for endorsement

  • 2 new qualifications
  • 1 new skill set
  • 19 new units of competency

UEE Electrotechnology Training Package

Approved the training products for endorsement.

Project A: Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology - Electrical

  • 1 updated qualification
  • 5 new units of competency

Project B: Electricity Meters

  • 1 updated skill set
  • 1 updated unit of competency

Project C: Hazardous Areas

  • 2 updated qualifications
  • 11 new units of competency
  • 13 updated units of competency

Project D: Assess and Report on Smoke Control Features

  • 1 updated unit of competency
  • 1 updated skill set

UET Transmission, Distribution and Rail Sector Training Package

Approved the training products for endorsement.

  • 4 new units of competency
  • 79 updated units of competency
  • 35 deleted units of competency
  • Streamlining of 2 Diploma qualifications into the Advanced Diploma qualification
  • 3 updated qualifications
  • 3 deleted qualifications
  • 1 new skill set
  • 18 deleted skill sets

PUA Public Safety Training Package – National Recovery Training Program (Tranche 2)

Approved the training products for endorsement.

  • 1 new qualification
  • 9 new skill sets
  • 4 new units of competency

For more details on all ASIC decisions and discussions, click here.


The next AISC meeting will be held on Wednesday 12 October 2022.

By Josie Boag January 23, 2024
Powering Skills Organisation (PSO) is excited to extend a special invitation to our Energy Pathway Roadshow: Collaborating for a sustainable tomorrow.
September 18, 2023
In today's fast-paced job market, finding the right career opportunity can be a daunting task. The endless scrolling through various job boards, registering on multiple websites, and setting up countless job alerts can quickly become overwhelming. But what if there was a solution that simplified this process and made the job search easier and more efficient than ever before? Enter WorkerConnect, the innovative platform that's changing the game for job seekers in the Northern Territory. WorkerConnect acts as a centralised hub for job seekers across the Northern Territory, including major cities like Darwin and Alice Springs, as well as more remote regions. It takes the hassle out of the job search by aggregating job listings from various sources and presenting them all in one convenient location. Whether you're looking for a career change or just starting your job search journey, the Northern Territory Government’s WorkerConnect platform is designed to save you valuable time and effort. One of WorkerConnect's features is its ability to provide you with personalised job alerts. Imagine receiving notifications directly to your inbox whenever a job opportunity that matches your preferences becomes available. No more constantly refreshing your browser or missing out on exciting opportunities. Simply set your criteria – including job type, location, and industry – and let WorkerConnect do the work for you. Stay ahead of the competition, stay informed, and never miss out on a new opportunity again. WorkerConnect offers a unique opportunity for job seekers to join its talent community. Employers actively use this feature to recruit new talent. By being part of this community, job seekers can increase their chances of being noticed by employers eager to connect with motivated candidates. It's a win-win situation that opens doors to exciting possibilities for employers and job seekers alike. So, are you ready to take your job search to the next level? Visit the Northern Territory Government’s WorkerConnect Platform today: https://jobs.theterritory.com.au Simplify your job search, get noticed by NT employers, and pave the way for a brighter career future.
September 4, 2023
Developing and skilling a robust local workforce and apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities is key to strengthening the Territory’s skills base. There are currently nearly 4,000 Territorians undertaking apprenticeships and traineeships across the Northern Territory, seven of which were announced as individual category winners at the 2023 Northern Territory Training Awards on Saturday, September 2, 2023.
August 17, 2023
Shaping the Future of Mining and Automotive VET Education in the NT The Mining and Automotive Skills Alliance (AUSMASA) is making its way to Darwin and Alice Springs this month, eager to gather insights from businesses and industry professionals. The Industry Skills Advisory Council of the Northern Territory (ISACNT) is excited for the opportunity to host these events at the end of August 2023. AUSMASA represents both the mining and automotive industries as one of 10 Australian Government’s Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) established to provide industry with a strong, more strategic voice in ensuring the nation’s vocational education and training (VET) sector delivers better outcomes for learners and employers. As part of the events, AUSMASA's team of experts will lead interactive sessions, presenting proposed changes to Mining and Automotive VET programs and their potential nationwide impact. Whether you're an employer, association, trainer or industry professional, your active participation will drive the development of practical training programs that elevate the entire industry. Your insights are invaluable in shaping the future of industry training standards. Join AUSMASA and ISACNT in forging a path toward industry-focused education excellence. Be a part of 'The Journey' and register below by 23 August 2023 to attend. Event details – Darwin Date: 29 August 2023 Location: Darwin, ISACNT Boardroom Address: The Avenue 12 Salonika Street, Parap NT Time: 9.30am (Mining) or 12.30pm (Automotive) RSVP: RSVP by 23 August 2023 Register below: Mining: https://isacnt_ausmasa_mining_darwin.eventbrite.com.au Automotive: https://ISACNT_ausmasa_automotive_darwin.eventbrite.com.au Event details – Alice Springs Date: 31 August 2023 Location: Alice Springs, CADO office Address: 55 Todd Mall, Alice Springs Time: 9.30am (Mining) or 12.30pm (Automotive) RSVP: RSVP by 23 August 2023 Register below: Mining: https://ISACNT_ausmasa_mining_alicesprings.eventbrite.com.au Automotive: https://ISACNT_ausmasa_automotive_alicesprings.eventbrite.com.au Should you have any questions or require further information, reach out to ISACNT at admin@isacnt.org.au on (08) 8943 6028. For more information about AUSMASA visit The Mining and Automotive Skills Alliance (ausmasa.org.au) or subscribe to The Journey at Subscribe — The Mining and Automotive Skills Alliance (ausmasa.org.au) .
August 11, 2023
Are your students ready to step into the working world and gain invaluable hands-on experience? We're thrilled to introduce the Industry Skills and Advisory Council’s (ISACNT) Work Experience Register – the ultimate gateway to a world of exciting opportunities and meaningful placements for school students across the Northern Territory.
By Casey Bruton July 20, 2023
Does your industry need support in identifying occupations that are growing or emerging within your industry? Are there occupations within your industry that are not on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) list? What is ANZSCO and why is it important? The ANZSCO list is an index of job classifications referenced in state and national labour market research and to inform economic policy such as the national Skilled Occupation List to identify priority jobs that can be supported through skilled migration, and the Territory-specific NT Skilled Occupation Priority List (NTSOPL) for identifying priority jobs that require support which may contribute to local economic development The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is undertaking a series of consultations to review of current and emerging occupation classifications. ISACNT strongly encourages industry to participate in these consultations. Round 2 consultation will review occupations within the following common sectors: Air and space transport Allied health Architectural, engineering, and technical services Construction Electricity, gas, water, and waste services Manufacturing Medical, nursing, and other health care services Mining Property operators and real estate Repair and maintenance Spatial, surveying and mapping services Telecommunications Tourism Services Round 2 will close Friday 11 August 2023. To submit feedback please visit https://www.abs.gov.au/about/consultation-and-conferences/updating-anzsco/participate-anzsco-consultations 
June 26, 2023
Industry Skills Advisory Council, Northern Territory (ISACNT) Executive Summary of the Skills and Workforce Ministerial Council In May 2023, the meeting of Federal, State and Territory Skills and Training ministers took place in Darwin NT, including social and economics that directly impact the Northern Territory Government’s $40 billion economy by 2030. The meeting emphasised how the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system needs to be governed, administered, and reformed to create the conditions for social and economic success. The main items of discussion included. The National Skills Agreement (NSA), Closing the Gap in VET, Fee Free TAFE in 2023, Education Pathways and the University Accord, the National VET Completion Project, VET Information Standards and NCVER Strategic Plan, Northern Territory VET Initiatives. If you would like to read the full Skills and Workforce Ministerial Council Communique – 19 May 2023 click here . If you would like to explore the options ISACNT can provide in developing your industry capabilities in the Northern Territory, click here .
By Casey Bruton June 22, 2023
We are excited to announce that the Australian Government has commissioned Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) to conduct a comprehensive capacity study on the workforce needs for Australia's transition to a clean energy economy. This study aims to provide valuable insights into the jobs and industries that form Australia's clean energy workforce, analyse the workforce requirements to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, explore the employment opportunities created by clean energy initiatives, identify relevant education, training, and migration pathways, and examine potential roles for workers in emission-intensive sectors to transition to new positions within their communities. To ensure a holistic and inclusive approach, a project steering group has been established, comprising members from industry, unions, training providers, state governments, research organizations, and the Commonwealth. This collaboration ensures that diverse perspectives are taken into account and enables a comprehensive analysis of the clean energy workforce landscape. JSA is committed to delivering an interim report to the Australian Government by May 2023, providing an initial overview of their findings and recommendations. Furthermore, a final report is expected to be released by mid-2023, presenting a detailed assessment of the clean energy workforce requirements and strategies for effective implementation. In addition to the reports, JSA will be publishing a series of accompanying resources over the coming months. These resources will provide further insights, data, and guidance related to the clean energy capacity study, supporting stakeholders in understanding the implications and opportunities associated with Australia's transition to a clean energy economy. For more information on the Clean Energy Capacity Study please visit the following link: Clean Energy Capacity Study | Jobs and Skills Australia 
By Michael Spick June 14, 2023
In Vocational Education and Training, there is a constant requirement for training to be adapted to meet the needs of industry. Whether needs change because of the operating environment, improvements in capability through technology augmentation or identified learning shortfalls identified in the current qualification, these needs are resolved through amendments to qualifications to improve learning outcome for learners and industry. During the implementation of amendments, qualifications will undergo a phase of transition. In this phase, learners can commence training before amendments have been introduced and complete the qualification after the amendments have been included. Transition has a defined completion date that all learners aspiring to obtain the qualification need to have completed training and assessment by. After the transition period all persons in training need to complete the amended qualification to be deemed qualified. Transition periods are important because they enable Industry and Training Providers to maintain capability whilst changes occur. From April 2023 the following qualifications have had transition phases extended by ASQA;
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