The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) held its 49th meeting on 29 November 2022.
The AISC held their last meeting before it concludes on 31 December 2022.
Emeritus Professor Tracey Horton thanked Members for their service, dedication, and contributions to the AISC both during, and prior to her time as Chair.
ISACNT would like to extend our thanks to Northern Territory (NT) members for your contributions to bringing an NT perspective to the conversations.
VET Reform update:
The Committee noted Skills Ministers met on Friday 18 November 2022 and committed to continue working on reforms to improve VET quality and relevance, strengthen tripartite and cross portfolio engagement, and deliver more meaningful evidence to inform skills policy in 2023.
The Committee noted:
The training package assurance function will be housed in the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations on an interim basis, subject to a review in 2023. This function has been operationalised through agreed changes to the Training Package Organising Framework (TPOF).
Industry Cluster groupings are expected to be announced in December 2022 and will then move into the establishment phase.
The legislation to establish Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) received Royal Assent and officially commenced operating on 16 November 2022.
States and territories are in the process of finalising their Implementation Plans and signing onto the 12-month National Skills Agreement, while negotiations continue for the new long-term agreement.
Consultations on qualification reforms will continue well into 2023.
The draft revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations have been released and are open for consultation until the end of January 2023, along with development of the VET Workforce Blueprint.
Training Packages:
CHC Community Services Training Package.
The Committee noted Skills Ministers endorsed the revised Certificate III in Individual Support on 18 November 2022. Endorsement comes following the establishment of a small-time limited expert reference group comprised of industry, training and health experts who collaborated to agree a solution to residual industry concerns. Members were pleased to hear the training product has been uploaded to the national register.
Review of the TAE Training and Education Training Package.
The Committee noted Skills Ministers endorsed updates to the TAE Training and Education Training Package on 18 November 2022, following approval by the Committee through an out-of-session process on 11 November 2022.
Members noted Skills Minister’s endorsement was assisted by presenting the case for endorsement alongside reforms to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015, and the VET Workforce Quality Strategy, allowing ministers to consider the updates holistically in the context of sector wide impact.
Reflections and Opportunities.
The Committee agreed the content of the AISC Reflections and Opportunities paper that summarises the successes and challenges faced by the AISC during its tenure, and how a collaborative approach within the sector resolved challenges and improved aspects of training delivery. The paper also outlines good practice and innovations and provides advice and insights that will be a valuable resource to pass on to Industry Clusters, government agencies and others across the training system.
Members agreed the paper will be made available on the AISC website.
Cases for Endorsement (resubmitted):
MSM Manufacturing Training Package Release 8.0 – Recreational Vehicle Project.
Approved the training products for endorsement.
Cases for Endorsement:
MEM Manufacturing and Engineering Training Package – Release 4.0.
Approved the training products for endorsement.
AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package – Release 9.0.
Approved the training products for endorsement.
Part 1: Agriculture and Horticulture Core Skills Project
Part 2: Composting and Organic Production and Permaculture
Part 3: Intensive Livestock (Pig and Poultry) Project
Part 4: Respect for Country Job Skills Project
AMP Australian Meat Processing Training Package – Release 8.0 – Meat Processing General, Quality and Safety.
Approved the training products for endorsement
For more details on all ASIC decisions and discussions, click here.