Being among the top five contributors to the Northern Territory for the past decade, the mining and construction industry continues to demand attention. Adding a value of almost $8B to the NT economy and representing 8.5% of the NT workforce, this sector continues to grow and requires suitably qualified workers for upcoming major projects.
Other Construction and Minerals Services
Coal, Rare Earth, and Other Minerals Mining
Building, Heavy and Civil Construction
You may think of careers in the mining industry like diesel fitters and truck drivers...there is so much more! Let's dive into the Mining Industry Careers in the Northern Territory!
It's such an exciting time to enter the Building & Construction industry. It is one of the largest employers in the NT and contributes $1.5B to the Northern Territory economy.
Let's have a look at the Building & Construction Industry Careers in the Northern Territory!
GSP to the nt
in this sector
The construction industry, for a decade, has been among the top five contributors to the Northern Territory’s Gross State Product (GSP)
The Business, Financial, and Professional Services industry represents
of the nt workforce
in this sector
The Northern Territory provides a wide range of grants, scholarships, and other forms of support for businesses, community organisations and individuals. Territory Business Centres can give you information about starting a business, licensing requirements and government assistance programs.
An industry boom has resulted in acute workforce shortages and retention issues. Likewise, emerging technologies across the industry’s sub-sectors have created new occupations and skillsets that are most challenging to fill. These factors, coupled with the sector’s potential to expand and the growing adoption of advanced technology in the next few years, may create training gaps and exacerbate existing workforce challenges already confronting the industry.
Industry Insights are a great way of gaining a clear understanding and insight into the NT industries.
The Insights have been created for the general public, schools and government bodies to inform all stakeholders about the industries with the NT in focus.
The Insights’ focus is primarily on workforce and skilling, while demonstrating pathways into the different sectors’ occupations.
Most industries in Australia have representation by industry associations that provide members with services, including support and training.
Industry associations play an essential role in presenting the collective voice for individual businesses within an industry.
Becoming a member of the peak body can give your business credibility as your membership proves to customers that you have met strict criteria and have specific qualifications and experience.
Would you like to talk to one of our workforce development officers.
ISACNT works with schools, VET Coordinators, students, and industry to determine the skills needed to secure a future NT workforce. Sharing knowledge of industry and career pathways to inspire the Northern Territory's upcoming workforce.
Would your business welcome a student for
Could your business share knowledge of the industry, and assist in building employability skills in the next generation?
Find out how we help businesses connect to a skilled workforce.
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