Public Administration and Safety, Defence

The aim of public administration, safety, and defence is the optimal allocation of funding and resources for the greater public good. National and local parks, roads, social welfare, and police are examples of public goods all Territorians pay for to have access.

Includes the following sectors

Local, State and Federal Government


Justice and Defence

Fire Protection and Emergency Services

Explore careers in Public Administration and Safety Defence

Local Government

Looking for a rewarding career that allows you to make a positive impact on your community? Look no further than the Local Government in the Northern Territory!

With a diverse range of career opportunities available, including positions in engineering, town planning, building surveying, ranger services, administration and more, there's something for everyone
.Join the Local Government and help build a better future for the Northern Territory.

   Defence in the NT

Let’s keep our Veterans in the Northern Territory!
Veterans possess a unique set of transferable skills that are highly valued by employers.
If you are an employer, now is the time to invest in employing Veterans to help grow and strengthen your skilled workforce.


The public adminstration, safety

and defence industry

is the largest workforce

in the Nt




in this sector

Did you know?

Most of the main VET-related occupations identified in the Public Administration industry are projected to see employment growth between 2021 and 2025.

The Business, Financial, and Professional Services industry represents


of the nt workforce




in this sector

Did you know?

The Northern Territory provides a wide range of grants, scholarships, and other forms of support for businesses, community organisations and individuals. Territory Business Centres can give you information about starting a business, licensing requirements and government assistance programs. 

Find out more

Industry snapshots

Download Public Administration and Safety Snapshot

The Business, Financial, and Professional Services industry represents


of the nt workforce




in this sector

Did you know?

The Northern Territory provides a wide range of grants, scholarships, and other forms of support for businesses, community organisations and individuals. Territory Business Centres can give you information about starting a business, licensing requirements and government assistance programs. 

Find out more

Future of the industry

A number of key projects are on track for immediate delivery bolstering the capabilities in the region.  Direct investment into the defence industry in the NT is supported by a number of complimentary projects which will directly and indirectly support the defence industry in the Territory.


Industry Insights are a great way of gaining a clear understanding and insight into the NT industries.

The Insights have been created for the general public, schools and government bodies to inform all stakeholders about the industries with the NT in focus. 

The Insights’ focus is primarily on workforce and skilling, while demonstrating pathways into the different sectors’ occupations.


Industry Insights are a great way of gaining a clear understanding and insight into the NT industries.

The Insights have been created for the general public, schools and government bodies to inform all stakeholders about the industries with the NT in focus.

The Insights’ focus is primarily on workforce and skilling, while demonstrating pathways into the different sectors’ occupations. 

Industry Associations

Understanding their role

Most industries in Australia have representation by industry associations that provide members with services, including support and training.

Industry associations play an essential role in presenting the collective voice for individual businesses within an industry.

Becoming a member of the peak body can give your business credibility as your membership proves to customers that you have met strict criteria and have specific qualifications and experience.

Training Package Development

June 1, 2022
Consultation on Draft 1 of the PUA Emergency Management Training Package material is open for feedback until 16 June 2022. ISACNT invites Northern Territory industry experts to provide feedback to Lauren Hall by or on 0499 949 968. This project is addressing the skills requirements for the management of emergency response to help build Australia’s disaster resilience. Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Emergency Management ) has been updated and four new Units of Competency have been developed, covering the skills and knowledge to evaluate natural disasters impacts, manage emergency management centres, conduct emergency evacuations, as well as human factors in response and recovery activities. For more information and to access the draft material visit Australian Industry Standards. PUA Emergency Management - Australian Industry Standards
February 25, 2022
ISACNT, along with Australian Industry Standards (AIS) is seeking Northern Territory expertise to provide insight into the current workforce skills required for Correctional Service Officers. The feedback will assist in the review and development of the following training products across two projects. Trauma-Informed Approach This project will identify the skills required for those working with vulnerable offenders, specifically those who have experienced trauma. Validation drafts of one new skill set, two new and three existing units of competency available for review and comment here. Working with Cognitively Impaired Offenders This project will look to identify the appropriate skills for Correctional Service Officers to better understand and assist offenders with a cognitive impairment. Validation drafts of one new skill set, one new and three existing units of competency available for review and comment here. For further information contact Debbie Knight at ISACNT on 08 7913 7517.

Book a consultation

Would you like to talk to one of our workforce development officers.

Developing a future workforce

ISACNT works with schools, VET Coordinators, students, and industry to determine the skills needed to secure a future NT workforce. Sharing knowledge of industry and career pathways to inspire the Northern Territory's upcoming workforce.

Would your business welcome a student for


Could your business share knowledge of the industry, and assist in building employability skills in the next generation?

We want to hear from you.

Register Here.

Find out how we help businesses connect to a skilled workforce.

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